How much does it cost to use pictures from AGROFOTO®?
To rent a few pictures:
If you and your company just want to use a few pictures, you can rent it for a general or a specific purpose. When you have found the pictures you want to use, please contact Andreas Østergaard by mail: or by phone +45 54430198 and describe which pictures you want. I can also help you to find the right picture.
Often it costs less than 100 Euro per picture, depending on period and purpose.
How to take out a subscription for AGROFOTO®'s picture archive
The most customers want to download the pictures by themselves. By taking out a subscription you and your company will get a password and login, you and your colleges can use every time you want to download a picture. In that way all employees can get the pictures they need very quickly. Hereby you can save time and work, because you don’t need to save and send pictures inside the organisation. The price to take a subscription depends on how many pictures you expect to use and the size of your organisation.
If you want to hear more about the conditions or take a subscription, please contact Andreas Østergaard by mail: or phone +45 54430198. Then you will immediately get a password and login. You are only a phone call from access to the best agricultural picture archive in Denmark and Scandinavia.
Free to look and search
Everybody, including people without password, can see all the pictures, and get an impression about AGROFOTO®´s picture world.